Left Ventricular Effective Pump Power

Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular

Latest measurements

Date Measurement Severity Notes
December 16, 2024 01:12 PM 1.733 Normal (1.554 - 1.988) Mostly meat, some sweets, fruits, sauna, test directly after lunch
November 29, 2024 12:11 PM 1.454 Mild (1.076-1.554)  
November 18, 2024 12:11 PM 1.461 Mild (1.076-1.554) No supplements, animal and fruit diet, electrolytes
November 5, 2024 11:11 AM 1.45 Mild (1.076-1.554) No supplements, animal and fruit diet, electrolytes
October 24, 2024 12:10 PM 1.434 Mild (1.076-1.554) No supplements, animal and fruit diet, electrolytes
October 17, 2024 07:10 AM 1.429 Mild (1.076-1.554) Stopped strict carnivore diet, more fruits, no supplements
October 8, 2024 12:10 PM 1.385 Mild (1.076-1.554) Snake juice fasting continues, Beef yesterday. Electrolytes. No supplements. Long walk in the evening.
October 7, 2024 06:10 AM 1.381 Mild (1.076-1.554) 36 hours of water fasting with electrolytes, Magnesium
October 5, 2024 10:10 AM 1.377 Mild (1.076-1.554) Bacon, Eggs, Vitamin C, Homocysteine Resist, Magnesium, Zinc
October 4, 2024 09:10 AM 1.372 Mild (1.076-1.554) Zinc, B complex, Vitamin C, 1 liter blueberry juice, K2, Calcium, Vit D, Collagen, Beef


Predictions based on Least Squares linear regression model

Prediction for Predicted to happen
1.988 Normal (1.554 - 1.988) January 10, 2025 02:01 PM

Left Ventricular Effective Pump Power

Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular

Left Ventricular Effective Pump Power is a crucial measure of your heart's ability to pump blood effectively throughout your body. It indicates how strong your heart's left ventricle is in pushing blood to all parts of your body, ensuring they receive enough oxygen and nutrients for proper functioning.

What is Left Ventricular Effective Pump Power?

Left Ventricular Effective Pump Power refers to the strength of the left ventricle's pumping action. The left ventricle is responsible for pumping oxygen-rich blood to your entire body, making its pumping power vital for overall heart health.

Why is it important?

  • Efficient Blood Circulation: A strong pump ensures that your body receives an adequate supply of oxygenated blood, promoting good health and vitality.
  • Preventing Health Issues: Insufficient pump power can lead to symptoms like fatigue, dizziness, and in severe cases, heart conditions.

Factors Affecting Left Ventricular Effective Pump Power

Factors Explanation
Amount of blood in the heart Optimal filling of the ventricle ensures effective pumping action. Too little or too much blood can impair pumping efficiency.
Overall health of the heart muscle Conditions like myocarditis can weaken the heart muscle, affecting its pumping ability.
Blood and oxygen supply to the heart Adequate blood and oxygen supply are crucial for optimal heart function. Insufficient supply can impair pumping action.


Left Ventricular Effective Pump Power is typically measured by healthcare providers using tests like echocardiograms or MRI scans. These tests provide detailed insights into the heart's pumping function.

Importance for Patients

Understanding your Left Ventricular Effective Pump Power helps your healthcare team monitor your heart health effectively. It enables timely intervention and management of any issues, ensuring your heart remains strong and healthy.

In summary, Left Ventricular Effective Pump Power is a vital indicator of your heart's pumping efficiency. Maintaining a strong pump is essential for overall well-being and a fulfilling life.