Latest measurements
Date |
Measurement |
Severity |
Notes |
December 16, 2024 01:12 PM |
1.173 |
Normal (0.962 - 1.213)
Mostly meat, some sweets, fruits, sauna, test directly after lunch
November 29, 2024 12:11 PM |
0.999 |
Normal (0.962 - 1.213)
November 18, 2024 12:11 PM |
0.994 |
Normal (0.962 - 1.213)
No supplements, animal and fruit diet, electrolytes
November 5, 2024 11:11 AM |
0.989 |
Normal (0.962 - 1.213)
No supplements, animal and fruit diet, electrolytes
October 24, 2024 12:10 PM |
0.984 |
Normal (0.962 - 1.213)
No supplements, animal and fruit diet, electrolytes
October 17, 2024 07:10 AM |
0.98 |
Normal (0.962 - 1.213)
Stopped strict carnivore diet, more fruits, no supplements
October 8, 2024 12:10 PM |
0.889 |
Mild (0.659-0.962)
Snake juice fasting continues, Beef yesterday. Electrolytes. No supplements. Long walk in the evening.
October 7, 2024 06:10 AM |
0.883 |
Mild (0.659-0.962)
36 hours of water fasting with electrolytes, Magnesium
October 5, 2024 10:10 AM |
0.882 |
Mild (0.659-0.962)
Bacon, Eggs, Vitamin C, Homocysteine Resist, Magnesium, Zinc
October 4, 2024 09:10 AM |
0.877 |
Mild (0.659-0.962)
Zinc, B complex, Vitamin C, 1 liter blueberry juice, K2, Calcium, Vit D, Collagen, Beef
Prediction for |
Predicted to happen |
Normal (0.962 - 1.213)
January 23, 2025 06:01 AM |
enhance the development of the brain. It is the composition of liver and gallbladder, which enhances the metabolism of the fats, regulates the pineal gland, lactiferous glands, corpus luteum and ovary, and prevent the degradation of the cell.
Lysine is the basic essential amino acid. Due to the low content in the cereal and the destruction during the food processing lysine is deficient, so it is called the first limiting amino acid. Symptoms for lack of lysine include fatigue, weakness, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, loss of appetite, growth retardation and anemia. Nutritious supplements can be taken in the advice of the medical professionals. The recommended intake for lysine is 10mg/pound for children, 3000-9000mg for adults. Lysine is the key material helpful to the absorption and utilization of other nourishment. Only when the body is supplied with sufficient lysine, the protein absorption and utilization of food can be enhanced, the nutrition can be balanced, and growth and development can be promoted.
Lysine may adjust the balance of the human body metabolism. Lysine provides structural components for the synthesis of carnitine, which will lead to the synthesis of fatty acids in cells. Adding a small amount of lysine in foods will stimulate the secretion of pepsin and acid and improve the gastric secretion, which can enhance appetite and promote the growth and development of the infants. Lysine also increases absorption and accumulation of calcium in the body, accelerate bone growth. Lack of lysine may cause low gastric secretion, which will lead to anorexia and nutritional anemia, resulting in central nervous system disruption and dysplasia.