Database Name Frequencies
XTRA Fever 3 20 2112 422 660 690 727.5 787 800 832 880
XTRA Flatulence 1 1550 20 422 465 660 676 690 727.5 760 787 802 832 880
CAFL Fungus General 1016 1134 1153 1550 1552 20 2222 254 422 465 582 72 727 784 787 802 880
CAFL Gastritis and Flatus 20 422 676 727 787 802 832 880
CAFL General Comprehensive 10000 120 128 1488 1500 1550 1862 1998 20 2008 2112 2128 2145 3040 3176 422 428 4412 444 450 464 5000 644 66.5 660 666 676 683 688 712 728 732 740 760 766 776 786 802 832 880 95
CAFL General Demo 10000 120 128 1550 1862 20 2112 2128 3040 422 4412 464 644 676 688 712 728 732 786 800 880
XTRA Greatest Hits 10000 120 128 1550 1862 20 2112 2128 3040 422 4412 464 644 676 688 712 728 732 786 800 880
XTRA Infections 1 1.19 125 1550 1865 20 250 304 333 422 444 465 48 523 5500 660 676 690 72 727.5 766 768 786 802 880 95
CAFL Infections General 1.2 125 1550 20 304 422 444 465 48 5500 676 72 728 766 786 802 880 95
CAFL Irritable Bowel Syndrome 1550 20 2018 334 407 422 4334 465 5429 6766 727 787 802 812 829 832 880
XTRA Irritable Bowel Syndrome 2 1550 20 422 465 6766 727 787 802 832 880
CAFL Lyme and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever V 128 1455 1590 239 39975 40439 417 422 4870 4880 577 578 579 673 693 758 797 7989 846
BIO Microsporum Audouini 1222 422 831
CAFL Microsporum Audouini 1222 285 422 831
CAFL Parasites General 1 120 128 1550 1862 2112 422 4412 644 676 688 712 728 732 800
CAFL Parasites General Alternative V 102 1522 172 344 411 4122 422 524 591 604 605 633 732 741 749 827 829 854 942 967
CAFL Parasites General Comprehensive 112 120 125 128 152 1550 1864 20 2112 240 2400 2720 334 422 4412 442 465 5000 524 64 644 651 688 712 72 728 732 800 854 880 96
CAFL Parasites Roundworm General 104 112 120 128 152 20 240 2720 3212 332 4152 422 4412 543 5897 650 688 7159 721 732 772 827 835 942
CAFL Parasites Strongyloides 3212 332 422 4412 721 732 749 942
XTRA Rickettsia Rickettsii 3 128 1455 1590 239 417 422 4870 4880 4996.89 5054.98 577 578 579 673 693 758 797 7989 846