Database Name Frequencies
XTRA Herpes General 4 1488 1489 1550 1577 18500 1900 2950 304 464
CAFL Herpes General 6 1488 1489 1550 1577 1900 1950 304 37000 464
CAFL Herpes Zoster Secondary 1550 1557 1800 1865 20 2128 2720 304 464 5000 574 728 800 802
PROV Immune System Stimulation 3 10000 120 1488 1862 20 2008 2128 2180 2489 2720 2791 2855 2867 2929 304 3176 3347 3448 4014 432 464 5000 5611 665 728 8 800 880
XTRA Immune System Stimulation 4 10000 120 1488 1862 20 2008 2128 2180 2489 2720 2791 2855 2867 2929 304 3176 3347 3448 4014 432 464 5000 5611 665 728 787 8 800 880
CAFL Influenza 1234 1500 1550 20 2008 2050 2720 304 3672 440 464 5000 512 683 728 7344 7760 7766 786 800 875 880 885
CAFL Influenza 2000/2002 125 304 440 464 5316 727 728 7344 7532 7760 787 800 8000 8247 8250 875 880
CAFL Influenza 2003/2004 1 1234 144 1500 1550 1600 1800 200 2489 2720 333 3672 452 464 465 582 600 625 650 683 72 727 7344 743 766 787 802 832 875 880 885 93
XTRA Minerals - Copper 464
CAFL Mold and Fungus General 132 1823 2411 245 321 337 344 374 414 464 524 555 728 743 766 784 866 880 886 942
CAFL Mold and Fungus General V 1016 1130 1155 132 1333 158 1823 1833 222 2411 242 254 321 337 344 374 414 4442 464 512 524 555 565 592 594 623 728 743 745 766 774 784 866 880 886 933 942
XTRA Molybdenum 336 464
XTRA Morgellons Disease 1 10000 120 1234 1488 1550 160 1600 1862 20 2016 2180 2489 2720 2791 2855 2867 2929 30 304 3176 330 3347 3448 4014 4264 4271.25 432 464 500 5000 5611 5856.38 5858.25 625 665 727 728 7344 740 787 8 835 880 920
XTRA Morgellons Disease 2 10000 120 1234 1488 1550 160 1600 1862 20 2016 2180 2489 2720 2791 2855 2867 2929 30 304 3176 330 3347 3448 4014 4264 4271.25 432 464 500 5000 538 5611 5856.38 5858.25 625 665 727.5 7344 740 787 8 800 880 920
CAFL Mouth Eruptions Herpes Sores 1488 1489 1550 1577 1900 2720 2950 304 464
CAFL Multiple Sclerosis 1 1331 143 1550 166 1875 1883 20 2088.59 218 2189 2213 224 2252.8 235 23570.5 241.68 2466.9 253 2720 275 304.6 3056.9 317 3767 421 430 464 470 4992 5000 524 620 624 660 690 728 784 787 80.9 802 840 854 880
CAFL Multiple Sclerosis 6 10000 120 1488 166 20 2008 224 2358 242 2467 2489 304 3040 3057 3176 464 5000 6000 665 728 787 800 880
CAFL Multiple Sclerosis Secondary 143 1550 20 2213 275 430 464 470 5000 524 620 624 728 784 802 840 854 880
CAFL Pancreas 1552 440 464 600 624 648 727 787 880
XTRA Pancreas 2 1552 440 464 600 624 648 727 787 880