

Also called Spelunker's Lung or Caver's Disease. Serious lung disease. See Histoplasma Capsulatum programs.Encyclopedia Entry for Histoplasmosis :Histoplasmosis - Histoplasma capsulatum (dimorphic fungus)Encyclopedia Entry for Histoplasmosis :Histoplasmosis - acute (primary) pulmonary. Histoplasma capsulatum is the name of the fungus that causes histoplasmosis. It is found in the central and eastern United States, eastern Canada, Mexico, Central America, South America, Africa, and Southeast Asia. It is commonly found in the soil in river valleys. It gets into the soil mostly from bird and bat droppings. You can get sick when you breathe in spores that the fungus produces. Every year, thousands of people with a normal immune system worldwide are infected, but most do not become seriously sick. Most have no symptoms or have only a mild flu-like illness and recover without any treatment. Acute pulmonary histoplasmosis may happen as an epidemic, with many people in one region becoming sick at the same time. People with weakened immune systems (see Symptoms section below) are more likely to: Develop the disease if exposed to the fungus spores Have the disease come back Have more symptoms, and more serious symptoms, than others who get the disease Risk factors include traveling to or living in the central or eastern United States near the Ohio and Mississippi river valleys, and being exposed to the droppings of birds and bats. This threat is greatest after an old building is torn down and the spores get into the air, or when exploring caves.Most people with acute pulmonary histoplasmosis have no symptoms or only mild symptoms. The most common symptoms are: Chest pain Chills Cough Fever Joint pain and stiffness Muscle aches and stiffness Rash (usually small sores on the lower legs) Shortness of breath Acute pulmonary histoplasmosis can be a serious illness in the very young, older people, and people with a weakened immune system, including those who: Have HIV/AIDS Have had bone marrow or solid organ transplants Take medicines that suppress their immune system Symptoms in these people may include: Inflammation around the heart (called pericarditis ) Serious lung infections Severe joint pain.To diagnose histoplasmosis, you must have the fungus or signs of the fungus in your body. Or your immune system must show that it is reacting to the fungus. Tests include: Antibody tests for histoplasmosis Biopsy of infection site Bronchoscopy (usually only done if symptoms are severe or you have an abnormal immune system) Complete blood count (CBC) with differential Chest CT scan Chest x-ray (might show a lung infection or pneumonia) Sputum culture (this test often does not show the fungus, even if you are infected) Urine test for Histoplasma capsulatum antigen.Most cases of histoplasmosis clear up without specific treatment. People are advised to rest and take medicine to control fever. Your health care provider may prescribe medicine if you are sick for more than 4 weeks, have a weakened immune system, or are having breathing problems.When histoplasmosis infection is severe or gets worse, the illness may last up to 6 months. Even then, it is rarely fatal.Acute pulmonary histoplasmosis can get worse over time, or can become long-term (chronic) pulmonary histoplasmosis (which doesn't go away). Histoplasmosis can spread to other organs through the bloodstream (dissemination). This is often seen in infants, young children, and people with a suppressed immune system.Call your provider if: You have symptoms of histoplasmosis, especially if you have a weakened immune system or have recently been exposed to bird or bat droppings You are being treated for histoplasmosis and develop new symptoms.Avoid contact with bird or bat droppings if you are in an area where the spore is common, especially if you have a weakened immune system.Acute histoplasmosis Acute histoplasmosis Fungus Fungus.Deepe GS. Histoplasma capsulatum (histoplasmosis).Encyclopedia Entry for Histoplasmosis :Histoplasmosis. Histoplasmosis occurs throughout the world. In the United States, it is most common in the southeastern, mid-Atlantic, and central states, especially in the Mississippi and Ohio River valleys. Histoplasma fungus grows as a mold in the soil. You may get sick when you breathe in spores produced by the fungus. Soil that contains bird or bat droppings may have larger amounts of this fungus. The threat is greatest after an old building is torn down, or in caves. This infection can occur in people with a healthy immune system. But, having a weakened immune system increases the risk of getting or reactivating this disease. Very young or very old people, or those with HIV/AIDS , cancer, or an organ transplant have more severe symptoms. People with long-term (chronic) lung disease (such as emphysema and bronchiectasis ) are also at higher risk for a more severe infection.Most people have no symptoms, or only have a mild, flu-like illness. If symptoms do occur, they may include: Fever and chills Cough and chest pain that gets worse when breathing in Joint pain Mouth sores Red skin bumps, most often on the lower legs The infection may be active for a short period of time, and then the symptoms go away. Sometimes, the lung infection may become chronic. Symptoms include: Chest pain and shortness of breath Cough, possibly coughing up blood Fever and sweating In a small number of people, especially in those with a weakened immune system, histoplasmosis spreads throughout the body. In response to the infection irritation and swelling (inflammation) occur. This is called disseminated histoplasmosis. Symptoms may include: Chest pain from inflammation of the sac-like covering around the heart ( pericarditis ) Headache and neck stiffness from swelling of the membranes covering of the brain and spinal cord ( meningitis ) High fever.Histoplasmosis is diagnosed by: Biopsy of the lung, skin, liver, or bone marrow Blood or urine tests to detect histoplasmosis proteins or antibodies Cultures of the blood, urine, or sputum (this test provides the clearest diagnosis of histoplasmosis, but results can take 6 weeks) To help diagnose this condition, your health care provider may do a: Bronchoscopy (test that uses a viewing scope inserted into the lung airway to check for signs of infection) Chest CT scan Chest x-ray Spinal tap to look for signs of infection in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF).In otherwise healthy people, this infection usually goes away without treatment. If you are sick for more than 1 month or are having trouble breathing, your provider may prescribe medicine. The main treatment for histoplasmosis is antifungal drugs. Antifungals may need to be given through a vein, depending on the form or stage of disease. Some of these medicines can have side effects. Long-term treatment with antifungal drugs may be needed for up to 1 to 2 years.The outlook depends on how severe the infection is, and your general health condition. Some people get better without treatment. An active infection will usually go away with antifungal medicine. But, the infection may leave scarring inside the lung. The death rate is higher for people with untreated disseminated histoplasmosis who have a weakened immune system.Scarring in the chest cavity may put pressure on the: Major blood vessels carrying blood to and from the heart Heart Esophagus (food pipe) Lymph nodes Enlarged lymph nodes in the chest may press on body parts such as the esophagus and blood vessels of the lungs.Call your provider if you live in an area where histoplasmosis is common and you develop: Flu-like symptoms Chest pain Cough Shortness of breath While there are many other illnesses that have similar symptoms, you may need to be tested for histoplasmosis.Histoplasmosis may be prevented by reducing exposure to dust in chicken coops, bat caves, and other high-risk locations. Wear masks and other protective equipment if you work in or go into these environments.Fungal infection - histoplasmosis; Ohio River Valley fever; Fibrosing mediastinitis.Lungs Lungs Acute histoplasmosis Acute histoplasmosis Disseminated histoplasmosis Disseminated histoplasmosis Histoplasmosis, disseminated in HIV patient Histoplasmosis, disseminated in HIV patient.Deepe GS. Histoplasma capsulatum (histoplasmosis).Encyclopedia Entry for Histoplasmosis :Histoplasmosis. Source of disease: Histoplasma capsulatum