



Retrovirus causing HIV Infection and AIDS. Also see Human T Lymphotropic Virus.Encyclopedia Entry for HIV :HIV - human immunodeficiency virus (Retrovirus)Encyclopedia Entry for HIV :HIV/AIDS - pregnancy and infants. Most children with HIV get the virus when it passes from an HIV-positive mother to the child. This can occur during pregnancy, childbirth, or when breastfeeding. Only blood, semen, vaginal fluids, and breast milk have been shown to transmit infection to others. The virus is NOT spread to infants by: Casual contact, such as hugging or touching Touching items that were touched by a person infected with the virus, such as towels or washcloths Saliva, sweat, or tears that is NOT mixed with the blood of an infected person.Most infants born to HIV-positive women in the United States do NOT become HIV-positive if the mother and infant have good prenatal and postpartum care. Infants who are infected with HIV often have no symptoms for the first 2 to 3 months. Once symptoms develop, they can vary. Early symptoms may include: Yeast (candida) infections in the mouth Failure to gain weight and grow Swollen lymph glands Swollen salivary glands Enlarged spleen or liver Ear and sinus infections Upper respiratory tract infections Being slow to walk, crawl, or speak compared to healthy babies Diarrhea Early treatment often prevents the HIV infection from progressing. Without treatment, a child's immune system weakens over time, and infections that are uncommon in healthy children develop. These are severe infections in the body. They can be caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi, or protozoa. At this point, the illness has become full-blown AIDS.Here are the tests a pregnant mother and her baby may have to diagnose HIV: TESTS TO DIAGNOSE HIV IN PREGNANT WOMEN All pregnant women should have a screening test for HIV along with other prenatal tests. Women at high risk should be screened a second time during the third trimester. Mothers who have not been tested can receive a rapid HIV test during labor. Woman known to be HIV positive during pregnancy will have regular blood tests, including: CD4 counts Viral load test, to check how much HIV is in the blood A test to see if the virus will respond to the medicines used to treat HIV (called a resistance test) TESTS TO DIAGNOSE HIV IN BABIES AND INFANTS Infants born to women infected with HIV should be tested for HIV infection. This test looks for how much of the HIV virus is in the body. In infants born to HIV positive mothers, HIV testing is done: 14 to 21 days after birth At 1 to 2 months At 4 to 6 months If the result of 2 tests is negative, the infant does NOT have an HIV infection. If the results of any test is positive, the baby has HIV.HIV/AIDS is treated with antiretroviral therapy (ART). These medicines stop the virus from multiplying. TREATING PREGNANT WOMEN Treating pregnant women with HIV prevents children from becoming infected. If a woman tests positive during pregnancy, she will receives ART while pregnant. Most often she will receive a three-drug regimen. The risk of these ART drugs for the baby in the womb is low. The mother may have another ultrasound at the second trimester. HIV may be found in a woman when she goes into labor, especially if she has not previously received prenatal care. If so, she will be treated with antiretroviral drugs right away. Sometimes these drugs will be given through a vein (IV). If the first positive test is during labor, receiving ART right away during labor can reduce the rate of infection in children to about 10%. TREATING BABIES AND INFANTS Infants born to infected mothers start receiving ART within 6 to 12 hours after birth. One or more antiretroviral drugs should be continued for at least 6 weeks after birth. BREASTFEEDING HIV-positive women should not breastfeed. This holds true even for women who are taking HIV medicines. Doing so may pass HIV to the baby through breast milk.The challenges of being a caretaker of a child with HIV/AIDS can often be helped by joining a support group. In these groups, members share common experiences and problems.The risk of a mother transmitting HIV during pregnancy or during labor is low for mothers identified and treated early in pregnancy. When treated, the chance of her baby being infected is less than 1%. Because of early testing and treatment, there are fewer than 200 babies born with HIV in the United States per year. If a woman's HIV status is not found until the time of labor, proper treatment can reduce the rate of infection in infants to about 10%. Children with HIV/AIDS will need to take ART for the rest of their life. The treatment does not cure the infection. The medicines only work as long as they are taken every day. With proper treatment, children with HIV/AIDS can live a nearly normal lifespan.Call your health care provider if you have HIV or are at risk for HIV, AND you become pregnant or are thinking of becoming pregnant.HIV-positive women who might become pregnant should talk to their provider about the risk to their unborn child. They should also discuss methods to prevent their baby from becoming infected, such as taking ARV during pregnancy. The earlier the woman starts medicines, the lower the chance of infection in the child. Women with HIV should not breastfeed their baby. This will help prevent passing HIV to the infant through breast milk.HIV infection - children; Human immunodeficiency virus - children; Acquired immune deficiency syndrome - children; Pregnancy - HIV; Maternal HIV; Perinatal - HIV.Primary HIV infection Primary HIV infection.AIDSinfo, Clinical Guidelines Portal. Guidelines for the use of antiretroviral agents in pediatric HIV infection. Updated March 1, 2016. Accessed August 19, 2016. AIDSinfo, Clinical Guidelines Portal. Recommendations for use of antiretroviral drugs in pregnant HIV-1-infected women for maternal health and interventions to reduce perinatal HIV transmission in the United States. Updated June 7, 2016. Accessed August 19, 2016. Yogev R, Chadwick EG. Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (human immunodeficiency virus).Encyclopedia Entry for HIV :HIV/AIDS - resources. Resources - HIV/AIDS.Support group counselors Support group counselors.Encyclopedia Entry for HIV :HIV/AIDS. The virus is spread (transmitted) person-to-person in any of the following ways: Through sexual contact with people who have detectable virus in their blood Through blood -- by blood transfusions (now extremely rare in the United States) or more often by needle sharing From mother to child -- a pregnant woman can spread the virus to her fetus through their shared blood circulation, or a nursing mother can pass it to her baby through her breast milk The virus is NOT spread by: Casual contact, such as hugging Mosquitoes Participating in sports Touching items that were touched by a person infected with the virus HIV and blood or organ donation: HIV is not spread to a person who donates blood or organs. People who donate organs are never in direct contact with the people who receive them. Likewise, a person who donates blood is never in contact with the person receiving it. In all of these procedures, sterile needles and instruments are used. But HIV can be spread to a person receiving blood or organs from an infected donor. To reduce this risk, blood banks and organ donor programs check (screen) donors, blood, and tissues thoroughly. People at high risk of getting HIV include: Drug users who inject and then share needles Infants born to mothers with HIV who did not receive HIV treatment during pregnancy People who have unprotected sex, especially with people who have other high-risk behaviors, are HIV-positive and have detectable virus in their blood, or have AIDS People who received blood transfusions or clotting products between 1977 and 1985, before screening for the virus became standard practice Sexual partners of those who engage in high-risk activities (such as injection drug use or anal sex) After HIV infects the body, the virus can be found in many different fluids and tissues in the body. Only blood, semen, fluids from the vagina, and breast milk have been shown to transmit infection to others. The virus may also be found in saliva, tears, and spinal fluid.Symptoms related to acute HIV infection (when a person is first infected) can be similar to the flu or other viral illnesses. They include: Fever and muscle pains Headache Sore throat Night sweats Mouth sores, including yeast infection (thrush) Swollen lymph glands Diarrhea Many people have no symptoms when they are first infected with HIV. Acute HIV infection progresses over a few weeks to months to become an asymptomatic HIV infection (no symptoms). This stage can last 10 years or longer. During this period, the person might have no reason to suspect they have HIV, but they can spread the virus to others. If they are not treated, almost all people infected with HIV will develop AIDS. Some people develop AIDS within a few years of infection. Others remain completely healthy after 10 or even 20 years. People with AIDS have had their immune system damaged by HIV. They are at very high risk of getting infections that are uncommon in people with a healthy immune system. These infections are called opportunistic infections. These can be caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi, or protozoa, and can affect any part of the body. People with AIDS are also at higher risk for certain cancers, especially lymphomas and a skin cancer called Kaposi sarcoma. Symptoms depend on the particular infection and which part of the body is infected. Lung infections are common in AIDS and usually cause cough, fever, and shortness of breath. Intestinal infections are also common and can cause diarrhea, abdominal pain, vomiting, or swallowing problems. Weight loss, fever, sweats, rashes, and swollen lymph glands are common in people with HIV infection and AIDS.DIAGNOSTIC TESTS These are tests that are done to check if you've been infected with the virus. In general, testing is a 2-step process: Screening test. There are several kinds of tests. Some are blood tests, others are mouth fluid tests. They check for antibodies to the HIV virus, HIV antigen , or both. Some screening tests can give results in 30 minutes or less. Follow-up test. This is also called a confirmatory test. It is often done when the screening test is positive. Home tests are available to test for HIV. If you plan to use one, check to make sure it is approved by the FDA. Follow instructions on the packaging to ensure the results are as accurate as possible. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that everyone ages 15 to 65 have a screening test for HIV. People with risky behaviors should be tested regularly. Pregnant women should also have a screening test. TESTS AFTER BEING DIAGNOSED WITH HIV People with AIDS usually have regular blood tests to check their CD4 cell count: CD4 cells are the blood cells that HIV attacks. They are also called T4 cells or 'helper T cells.' As HIV damages the immune system, the CD4 count drops. A normal CD4 count is from 500 to 1,500 cells/mm 3 of blood. People usually develop symptoms when their CD4 count drops below 350. More serious complications occur when the CD4 count drops to 200. When the count is below 200, the person is said to have AIDS. Other tests include: HIV RNA level, or viral load, to check how much HIV is in the blood A resistance test to see if the virus has any resistance to the medicines used to treat HIV Complete blood count, blood chemistry, and urine test Tests for other sexually transmitted infections TB test Pap smear to check for cervical cancer Anal Pap smear to check for cancer of the anus.HIV/AIDS is treated with medicines that stop the virus from multiplying. This treatment is called antiretroviral therapy (ART). In the past, people with HIV infection would start antiretroviral treatment after their CD4 count dropped or they developed HIV complications. Today, HIV treatment is recommended for all people with HIV infection, even if their CD4 count is still normal. Regular blood tests are needed to make sure the virus level in the blood (viral load) is kept low, or suppressed. The goal of treatment is to lower the HIV virus in the blood to a level that is so low that the test can't detect it. This is called an undetectable viral load. If the CD4 count already dropped before treatment was started, it will usually slowly go up. HIV complications often disappear as the immune system recovers.Joining a support group where members share common experiences and problems can often help lower the emotional stress of having a long-term illness.With treatment, most people with HIV/AIDS can live a healthy and normal life. Current treatments do not cure the infection. The medicines only work as long as they are taken every day. If the medicines are stopped, the viral load will go up and the CD4 count will drop. If the medicines are not taken regularly, the virus can become resistant to one or more of the drugs, and the treatment will stop working. People who are on treatment need to see their health care providers regularly. This is to make sure the medicines are working and to check for side effects of the drugs.Call for an appointment with your provider if you have any risk factors for HIV infection. Also call if you develop symptoms of AIDS. By law, the results of HIV testing must be kept confidential (private). Your provider will review your test results with you.Preventing HIV/AIDS: Get tested. People who don't know they have HIV infection and who look and feel healthy are the most likely to transmit it to others. DO NOT use illegal drugs and do not share needles or syringes. Many communities have needle exchange programs, where you can get rid of used syringes and get new, sterile ones. Staff at these programs can also refer you for addiction treatment. Avoid contact with another person's blood. If possible, wear protective clothing, a mask, and goggles when caring for people who are injured. If you test positive for HIV, you can pass the virus to others. You should not donate blood, plasma, body organs, or sperm. HIV-positive women who might become pregnant should talk to their provider about the risk to their unborn child. They should also discuss methods to prevent their baby from becoming infected, such as taking antiretroviral medicines during pregnancy. Breastfeeding should be avoided to prevent passing HIV to infants through breast milk. Safer sex practices , such as using latex condoms, are effective in preventing the spread of HIV. But there is still a risk of getting the infection, even with the use of condoms (for example, condoms can tear). In people who aren't infected with the virus, but are at high risk of getting it, taking a drug called Truvada can help prevent the infection. This treatment is known as pre-exposure prophylaxis, or PrEP. Talk to your provider if you think PrEP might be right for you. HIV-positive people who are taking antiretroviral medicines and have no virus in their blood do not transmit the virus. The US blood supply is among the safest in the world. Nearly all people infected with HIV through blood transfusions received those transfusions before 1985, the year HIV testing began for all donated blood. If you believe you have been exposed to HIV, seek medical attention right away. DO NOT delay. Starting antiviral medicines right after the exposure (up to 3 days after) can reduce the chance that you will be infected. This is called post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP). It has been used to prevent transmission in health care workers injured by needlesticks.HIV infection; Infection - HIV; Human immunodeficiency virus; Acquired immune deficiency syndrome.Enteral nutrition - child - managing problems Gastrostomy feeding tube - bolus Jejunostomy feeding tube Oral mucositis - self-care.STDs and ecological niches STDs and ecological niches HIV HIV Primary HIV infection Primary HIV infection Canker sore (aphthous ulcer) Canker sore (aphthous ulcer) Mycobacterium marinum infection on the hand Mycobacterium marinum infection on the hand Dermatitis, seborrheic on the face Dermatitis, seborrheic on the face AIDS AIDS Kaposi Kaposi sarcoma - close-up Histoplasmosis, disseminated in HIV patient Histoplasmosis, disseminated in HIV patient Molluscum on the chest Molluscum on the chest Kaposi Kaposi sarcoma on the back Kaposi Kaposi's sarcoma on the thigh Molluscum contagiosum on the face Molluscum contagiosum on the face Antibodies Antibodies Tuberculosis in the lung Tuberculosis in the lung Kaposi Kaposi sarcoma - lesion on the foot Kaposi Kaposi sarcoma - perianal Herpes zoster (shingles) disseminated Herpes zoster (shingles) disseminated Dermatitis seborrheic - close-up Dermatitis seborrheic - close-up.DiNenno EA, Prejean J, Irwin K, et al. Recommendations for HIV screening of gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men - United States, 2017. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2017;66:830 832. Gulick RM. Antiretroviral therapy of human immunodeficiency virus and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.Encyclopedia Entry for HIV :Hives. When you have an allergic reaction to a substance, your body releases histamine and other chemicals into the blood. This causes itching, swelling, and other symptoms. Hives are a common reaction. People with other allergies, such as hay fever, often get hives. Angioedema is swelling of the deeper tissue that sometimes occurs with hives. Like hives, angioedema can occur on any part of the body. When it occurs around the mouth or throat, the symptoms can be severe, including airway blockage. Many substances can trigger hives, including: Animal dander (especially cats) Insect bites Medicines Pollen Shellfish, fish, nuts, eggs, milk, and other foods Hives may also develop as a result of: Emotional stress Extreme cold or sun exposure Excessive perspiration Illness, including lupus , other autoimmune diseases , and leukemia Infections such as mononucleosis Exercise Exposure to water Often, the cause of hives is not known.Symptoms of hives may include any of the following: Itching. Swelling of the surface of the skin into red- or skin-colored welts (called wheals) with clearly defined edges. Wheals may get bigger, spread, and join together to form larger areas of flat, raised skin. Wheals often change shape, disappear, and reappear within minutes or hours. It is unusual for a wheal to last more than 48 hours. Dermatographism is a type of hives. It is caused by pressure on the skin and results in immediate hives. Hives (urticaria) - close-up.Your health care provider can tell if you have hives by looking at your skin. Hives If you have a history of an allergy causing hives, for example, to strawberries, the diagnosis is even clearer. Sometimes, a skin biopsy or blood tests are done to confirm that you had an allergic reaction, and to test for the substance that caused the allergic response. However, specific allergy testing is not useful in most cases of hives.Treatment may not be needed if the hives are mild. They may disappear on their own. To reduce itching and swelling: Do not take hot baths or showers. Do not wear tight-fitting clothing, which can irritate the area. Your provider may suggest that you take an antihistamine such as diphenhydramine (Benadryl) or cetirizine (Zyrtec). Follow your provider's instructions or the package instructions about how to take the medicine. Other oral prescription medicines may be needed, especially if the hives are chronic. If your reaction is severe, especially if the swelling involves your throat, you may need an emergency shot of epinephrine (adrenaline) or steroids. Hives in the throat can block your airway, making it difficult to breathe.Hives may be uncomfortable, but they are usually harmless and disappear on their own. When the condition lasts longer than 6 weeks, it is called chronic hives. Usually no cause can be found. Most chronic hives resolve on their own in less than 1 year.Complications of hives may include: Anaphylaxis (a life-threatening, whole-body allergic reaction that causes breathing difficulty) Swelling in the throat can lead to life-threatening airway blockage.Call 911 or your local emergency number if you have: Fainting Shortness of breath Tightness in your throat Tongue or face swelling Wheezing Call your provider if the hives are severe, uncomfortable, and do not respond to self-care measures.To help prevent hives avoid exposure to substances that give you allergic reactions.Urticaria; Wheals.Hives (urticaria) - close-up Hives (urticaria) - close-up Food allergies Food allergies Hives (urticaria) on the chest Hives (urticaria) on the chest Hives (urticaria) on the trunk Hives (urticaria) on the trunk Hives (urticaria) on the chest Hives (urticaria) on the chest Hives (urticaria) on the back and buttocks Hives (urticaria) on the back and buttocks Hives (urticaria) on the back Hives (urticaria) on the back Hives Hives Hives treatment Hives treatment.Habif TP. Urticaria, angioedema, and pruritus.Encyclopedia Entry for HIV :HIV Virus. May cause : Autoimmune diseasesDementiaVasculitisADHDHodgkin's lymphomaKaposi's SarcomaNon-Hodgkin lymphomaInformation from Marcello Allegretti.