



Metal element. Experimental.Encyclopedia Entry for Silver :Silver sheet.Latin name: Silver sheet.Pinyin name: YIN BO.Properties: Cold,Pungent.Meridians: Liver,Heart.Encyclopedia Entry for Silver :Silvervine Actinidia.Latin name: Actinidia polygama.Pinyin name: MU TIAN LIAO.Effect(s): To dispel wind-damp, warm channels and relieve pain, disperse concretion and conglomeration.Plant part: branchlet-leaf.Encyclopedia Entry for Silver :Silverweed Cinquefoil.Latin name: Potentilla anserina.Pinyin name: E RONG WEI LING CAI.Effect(s): To supplement qi and blood, fortify spleen and stomach, engender liquid and allay thirst.Plant part: tuberoid.Encyclopedia Entry for Silver :Silvery Aleuritopteris.Latin name: Aleuritopteris argentea.Pinyin name: TONG JING CAO.Effect(s): To regulate menstruation, suppress cough, dispel damp.Plant part: whole herb.