

Involuntary muscle movement that may be rhythmic, mostly in hands.Encyclopedia Entry for Tremor :Tremor - self-care. For many people with a tremor, the cause is not found. Some types of tremors run in families. A tremor may also be part of a long-term brain or nerve disorder. Some medicines can cause tremors. Talk with your health care provider if a medicine may be causing your tremor. Your provider may lower the dosage or switch you to another medicine. DO NOT change or stop any medicine before you talk with your provider. You may not need treatment for your tremor unless it interferes with your daily life or is embarrassing for you.Most tremors become worse when you are tired. Try not to do too much during the day. Get enough sleep. Ask your provider about how you can change your sleep habits if you have problems sleeping. Stress and anxiety can also make your tremor worse. These things may lower your stress level: Meditation, deep relaxation, or breathing exercises Reducing your caffeine intake Alcohol use can also cause tremors. If it is the cause of your tremors, seek treatment and support. Your provider can help you find a treatment program that may help you stop drinking.Tremors can worsen over time. They may begin to interfere with your ability to do your daily activities. To help in your day-to-day activities: Buy clothes with Velcro fasteners instead of buttons or hooks. Cook or eat with utensils that have larger handles that are easier to grip. Drink from half-filled cups to avoid spilling. Use straws to drink so you do not have to pick up your glass. Wear slip-on shoes and use shoehorns. Wear a heavier bracelet or watch. It may reduce a hand or arm tremor.Your provider may prescribe medicines to relieve your tremor symptoms. How well any medicine works may depend on your body and the cause of your tremor. Some of these medicines have side effects. Tell your provider if you have these symptoms or any other symptoms you are concerned about: Fatigue or drowsiness Stuffy nose Slow heart rate (pulse) Wheezing or trouble breathing Problems concentrating Walking or balance problems Nausea.Call your provider if: Your tremor is severe and it interferes with your life. Your tremor occurs with other symptoms, such as headache, weakness, abnormal tongue motion, muscle tightening, or other movements that you cannot control. You are having side effects from your medicine.Shaking - self-care; Essential tremor - self-care; Familial tremor - self-care.Jankovic J, Lang AE. Diagnosis and assessment of Parkinson disease and other movement disorders.Encyclopedia Entry for Tremor :Tremor. Tremors can happen at any age. They are more common in older people. Everyone has some tremor when they move their hands. Stress, fatigue, anger, fear, caffeine, and smoking may make this type of tremor worse. A tremor that does not go away over time may be a sign of a medical problem and should be checked by your health care provider. Essential tremor is the most common tremor. The shaking most often involves small, rapid movements. It usually occurs when you are trying to do something, such as reaching for an object or writing. This type of tremor may also run in families.Tremor may be caused by: Certain medicines Brain, nerve, or movement disorders, including uncontrolled muscle movements ( dystonia ) Brain tumor Alcohol use or alcohol withdrawal Multiple sclerosis Muscle tiredness or weakness Normal aging Overactive thyroid Parkinson disease Stress, anxiety, or fatigue Stroke Too much coffee or other caffeinated drink.Your provider will likely suggest self-care measures to help with daily life. For tremors caused by stress, try ways to relax, such as meditation or breathing exercises. For tremors of any cause, avoid caffeine and get enough sleep. For tremors caused by a medicine, talk to your provider about stopping the drug, reducing the dosage, or switching to another medicine. Do not change or stop medicines on your own. For tremors caused by alcohol use, seek treatment to help you stop drinking alcohol. Severe tremors may make it hard to do daily activities. You may need help with these activities. Devices that may help include: Buying clothes with Velcro fasteners or using button hooks Cooking or eating with utensils that have a larger handle Using a sippy cup to drink Wearing slip-on shoes and using shoehorns .Call your provider if your tremor: Is worse at rest and gets better with movement such as when you reach for something Is prolonged, severe, or interferes with your life Occurs with other symptoms, such as headache, weakness, abnormal tongue movements, muscle tightening, or other movements that you cannot control.Your doctor will perform a physical exam, including a detailed brain and nervous system (neurologic) examination. You may be asked questions to help your doctor find the cause of your tremors: The following tests may be ordered: Blood tests such as CBC , blood differential , thyroid function tests , and glucose test EMG or nerve conduction studies to check the functions of the muscles and nerves Head CT scan MRI of the head Urine tests Once a cause of the tremor has been determined, treatment will be prescribed. You may not need treatment unless the tremor interferes with your daily activities or causes embarrassment. Treatment depends on the cause. Tremor caused by a medical condition, such as hyperthyroidism, will likely get better when the condition is treated. If the tremor is caused by a certain medicine, stopping the drug will usually help it go away. Never stop taking any medicine without first talking to your doctor. You may be prescribed medicines to help relieve symptoms. How well medicines work depends on your overall health and the cause of the tremor. In some cases, surgery is done to relieve the tremors.Shaking; Tremor - hand; Hand tremor; Tremor - arms; Kinetic tremor; Intention tremor; Postural tremor; Essential tremor.Muscular atrophy Muscular atrophy.Fasano A, Deuschl G. Therapeutic advances in tremor. Mov Disord. 2015;30:1557-1565. PMID: 26293405. Jankovic J, Lang AE. Diagnosis and assessment of Parkinson disease and other movement disorders.