
Bronchial Diseases

Bronchiectasis is a lung condition that causes a persistent cough and excess phlegm, or sputum. It is a permanent condition that gets worse over time. It can be fatal.The bronchi dilate, usually irreversibly, and phlegm builds up. This leads to recurrent lung infections and lung damage.It can affect people with tuberculosis and cystic fibrosis, but these are not the only causes. Various processes and mechanisms can trigger this disorder.There is no cure, but treatment can reduce infections and mucus build up. Symptoms vary in severity.Older age increases the risk of, but bronchiectasis can affect all ages. In the United States (U.S.), it affects about 25 people in every 100,000. Over the age of 74 years, this increases to about 272 cases per 100,000 people.The prevalence appears to be increasing.Symptoms are thought to start when sputum builds up in the respiratory system, leading to a cycle of problems.More sputum means more bacteria in the airways, and this leads to inflammation and airway destruction. Then the cycle begins again with more mucus.There are three main types of bronchiectasis, classified according to the resulting shape of the bronchi, visible on a CT scan of the lungs.They are:Cylindrical: The most common form, with even, cylinder-shaped bronchiVaricose: The least common form. Bronchi are irregular, and the airways may be wide or constricted, leading to a higher production of sputum.Cystic: Almost as common as cylindrical, but the bronchi form clusters of cysts. This is the most severe form.The different types have similar symptoms are similar across the different types, but they differ in terms of severity.They all feature enlargement of the breathing tubes of the lungs, or bronchi.Other symptoms include:a daily cough that continues for months or yearsdaily production of sputum in large amountsshortness of breath and wheezing when breathingchest paincoughing up bloodA person with bronchiectasis who then gets an infection can experience a flare-up, and this can worsen the lung function.