

Inflammation of the bronchioles.Encyclopedia Entry for Bronchiolitis :Bronchiolitis - Respiratory syncytial virus (Paramyxovirus), Parainfluenza virus (Paramyxovirus)Encyclopedia Entry for Bronchiolitis :Bronchiolitis - discharge. In the hospital, the provider helped your child breathe better. They also made sure your child received enough fluids.Your child will likely still have symptoms of bronchiolitis after leaving the hospital. Wheezing may last for up to 5 days. Coughing and stuffy nose will slowly get better over 7 to 14 days. Sleeping and eating may take up to 1 week to return to normal. You may need to take time off work to care for your child.Breathing moist (wet) air helps loosen the sticky mucus that may be choking your child. You can use a humidifier to make the air moist. Follow the directions that came with the humidifier. DO NOT use steam vaporizers because they can cause burns. Use cool mist humidifiers instead. If your child's nose is stuffy, your child will not be able to drink or sleep easily. You can use warm tap water or saline nose drops to loosen the mucus. Both of these work better than any medicine you can buy. Place 3 drops of warm water or saline in each nostril. Wait 10 seconds, then use a soft rubber suction bulb to suck out the mucus from each nostril. Repeat several times until your child is able to breathe through the nose quietly and easily. Before anyone touches your child, they must wash their hands with warm water and soap or use an alcohol-based hand cleanser before doing so. Try to keep other children away from your child. DO NOT let anyone smoke in the house, car, or anywhere near your child.It is very important for your child to drink enough fluids. Offer breast milk or formula if your child is younger than 12 months. Offer regular milk if your child is older than 12 months. Eating or drinking may make your child tired. Feed small amounts, but more often than usual. If your child throws up because of coughing, wait a few minutes and try to feed your child again.Some asthma medicines help children with bronchiolitis. Your provider may prescribe such medicines for your child. DO NOT give your child decongestant nose drops, antihistamines, or any other cold medicines unless your child's provider tells you to.Call the doctor right away if your child has any of the following: Hard time breathing Chest muscles are pulling in with each breath Breathing faster than 50 to 60 breaths per minute (when not crying) Making a grunting noise Sitting with shoulders hunched over Wheezing becomes more intense Skin, nails, gums, lips, or area around the eyes is bluish or grayish Extremely tired Not moving around very much Limp or floppy body Nostrils are flaring out when breathing.RSV bronchiolitis - discharge; Respiratory syncytial virus bronchiolitis - discharge.Bronchiolitis Bronchiolitis.Kliegman RM, Stanton BF, St. Geme JW, Schor NF. Wheezing, bronchiolitis, and bronchitis.Encyclopedia Entry for Bronchiolitis :Bronchiolitis. Bronchiolitis usually affects children under the age of 2, with a peak age of 3 to 6 months. It is a common, and sometimes severe illness. Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is the most common cause. More than half of all infants are exposed to this virus by their first birthday. Other viruses that can cause bronchiolitis include: Adenovirus Influenza Parainfluenza The virus is spread to infants by coming into direct contact with nose and throat fluids of someone who has the illness. This can happen when another child or an adult who has a virus: Sneezes or coughs nearby and tiny droplets in the air are then breathed in by the infant Touches toys or other objects that are then touched by the infant Bronchiolitis occurs more often in the fall and winter than other times of the year. It is a very common reason for infants to be hospitalized during winter and early spring. Risk factors of bronchiolitis include: Being around cigarette smoke Being younger than 6 months old Living in crowded conditions Not being breastfed Being born before 37 weeks of pregnancy.Some children have few or mild symptoms. Bronchiolitis begins as a mild upper respiratory infection. Within 2 to 3 days, the child develops more breathing problems, including wheezing and a cough. Symptoms include: Bluish skin due to lack of oxygen (cyanosis) - emergency treatment is needed Breathing difficulty including wheezing and shortness of breath Cough Fatigue Fever Muscles around the ribs sink in as the child tries to breathe in (called intercostal retractions ) Infant's nostrils get wide when breathing Rapid breathing (tachypnea).The health care provider will perform a physical exam. Wheezing and crackling sounds may be heard through the stethoscope. Most of the time, bronchiolitis can be diagnosed based on the symptoms and the exam. Tests that may be done include: Blood gases Chest x-ray Culture of a sample of nasal fluid to determine the virus causing the disease.The main focus of treatment is to relieve symptoms, such as difficulty breathing and wheezing. Some children may need to stay in the hospital if their breathing problems do not improve after being observed in the clinic or emergency room. Antibiotics do not work against viral infections. Medicines that treat viruses may be used to treat very ill children. At home, measures to relieve symptoms can be used. For example: Have your child drink plenty of fluids. Breast milk or formula is fine for children younger than 12 months. Electrolyte drinks, such as Pedialyte, are also OK for infants. Have your child breathe moist (wet) air to help loosen sticky mucus. Use a humidifier to moisten the air. Give your child saline nose drops. Then use a nasal suction bulb to help relieve a stuffy nose. Be sure your child gets plenty of rest. Do not allow anyone to smoke in the house, car, or anywhere near your child. Children who are having trouble breathing may need to stay in the hospital. There, treatment may include oxygen therapy and fluids given through a vein (IV).Breathing often gets better by the third day and symptoms mostly clear within a week. In rare cases, pneumonia or more severe breathing problems develop. Some children may have problems with wheezing or asthma as they get older.Call your provider right away or go to the emergency room if your child: Becomes extremely tired Has bluish color in the skin, nails, or lips Starts breathing very fast Has a cold that suddenly worsens Has difficulty breathing Has nostril flarings or chest retractions when trying to breathe.Most cases of bronchiolitis cannot be prevented because the viruses that cause the infection are common in the environment. Careful hand washing, especially around infants, can help prevent the spread of viruses. A medicine called palivizumab (Synagis) that boosts the immune system may be recommended for certain children. Your child's doctor will let you know if this medicine is right for your child.Respiratory syncytial virus - bronchiolitis; Flu - bronchiolitis; Wheezing - bronchiolitis.Bronchiolitis - discharge How to breathe when you are short of breath Oxygen safety Postural drainage Using oxygen at home Using oxygen at home - what to ask your doctor.Bronchiolitis Bronchiolitis Normal lungs and alveoli Normal lungs and alveoli.Bower J, McBride JT. Bronchiolitis.