

Liver-damaging mycotoxin produced by Aspergillus spp.LiverEncyclopedia Entry for Aflatoxin :Aflatoxin. Although aflatoxins are known to cause cancer in animals, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) allows them at low levels in nuts, seeds, and legumes because they are considered 'unavoidable contaminants.' The FDA believes occasionally eating small amounts of aflatoxin poses little risk over a lifetime. It is not practical to attempt to remove aflatoxin from food products in order to make them safer.The mold that produces aflatoxin may be found in the following foods: Peanuts and peanut butter Tree nuts such as pecans Corn Wheat Oil seeds such as cottonseed.Aflatoxins ingested in large mounts may cause acute liver damage. Chronic intoxication may lead to weight gain or weight loss, loss of appetite, or infertility in men.To help minimize risk, the FDA tests foods that may contain aflatoxin. Peanuts and peanut butter are some of the most rigorously tested products because they often contain aflatoxins and are widely eaten. You can reduce aflatoxin intake by: Buying only major brands of nuts and nut butters Discarding any nuts that look moldy, discolored, or shriveled.Haschek WM, Voss KA. Mycotoxins.