Osteoclast Coefficient

Bone Mineral Density

Latest measurements

Date Measurement Severity Notes
January 15, 2025 12:01 PM 116.527 Normal (86.73-180.97)  
January 10, 2025 01:01 PM 116.509 Normal (86.73-180.97) Analysis after lunch and Spooky2 treatment. Q10, copper, B3, sauna.
December 16, 2024 01:12 PM 116.504 Normal (86.73-180.97) Mostly meat, some sweets, fruits, sauna, test directly after lunch
November 29, 2024 12:11 PM 171.446 Normal (86.73-180.97)  
November 18, 2024 12:11 PM 171.441 Normal (86.73-180.97) No supplements, animal and fruit diet, electrolytes
November 5, 2024 11:11 AM 171.45 Normal (86.73-180.97) No supplements, animal and fruit diet, electrolytes
October 24, 2024 12:10 PM 171.445 Normal (86.73-180.97) No supplements, animal and fruit diet, electrolytes
October 17, 2024 07:10 AM 171.439 Normal (86.73-180.97) Stopped strict carnivore diet, more fruits, no supplements
October 8, 2024 12:10 PM 165.464 Normal (86.73-180.97) Snake juice fasting continues, Beef yesterday. Electrolytes. No supplements. Long walk in the evening.
October 7, 2024 06:10 AM 165.452 Normal (86.73-180.97) 36 hours of water fasting with electrolytes, Magnesium


Predictions based on Least Squares linear regression model

Prediction for Predicted to happen
86.73 Normal (86.73-180.97) July 30, 2025 07:07 AM

Osteoclast Coefficient

Bone Mineral Density

Osteoclasts are specialized cells responsible for breaking down bone tissue, a process known as bone resorption. This plays a crucial role in maintaining bone health and remodeling. Here's a simplified explanation of osteoclasts and their function:

Structure of Osteoclasts:

  • Multinuclear Giant Cells: Osteoclasts are large cells with multiple nuclei, typically containing 2 to 50 nuclei. They are primarily found on the bone surface and around bone blood vessels.

Function of Osteoclasts:

  1. Bone Resorption:

    • Osteoclasts have a unique function in absorbing both organic and mineral components of the bone matrix. They create small irregular pits, called Howship's lacunae, on the bone surface during this process.
  2. Surface Features:

    • Osteoclasts have distinct surface features:
      • Ruffled Border: This is a region of the cell membrane that faces the bone surface and contains numerous hair-like protrusions known as microvilli. It is involved in the actual resorption process.
      • Clear Zone: Surrounding the ruffled border, this area lacks organelles and microfilaments. It creates a micro-environment for bone resorption.
  3. Bone Resorption Process:

    • Osteoclasts release acids, including lactic and citric acids, into the bone microenvironment, creating an acidic environment. This acidic environment dissolves the mineral components of the bone.
    • Inorganic minerals from the bone matrix are absorbed into the osteoclasts through pinocytosis at the ruffled border.
    • Within the osteoclasts, the absorbed minerals are degraded, releasing calcium ions into the bloodstream.
    • The degradation process exposes collagen fibers in the bone matrix, which are further broken down by enzymes secreted by osteoclasts, such as cathepsin B and collagenolytic cathepsin.

Importance for Bone Health:

  • Osteoclasts play a crucial role in bone remodeling, ensuring the balance between bone resorption and bone formation.
  • Excessive osteoclast activity can lead to bone loss and conditions such as osteoporosis, while inadequate activity can impair bone remodeling and healing.

Improving Osteoclast Function:

  1. Nutrition: Consuming a balanced diet rich in calcium, vitamin D, and other essential nutrients supports bone health and may help regulate osteoclast activity.

  2. Physical Activity: Regular weight-bearing and resistance exercises help maintain bone density and stimulate bone remodeling, which involves osteoclast activity.

  3. Medication: In some cases, medications prescribed by healthcare providers, such as bisphosphonates, may help regulate osteoclast function and prevent excessive bone resorption.

  4. Avoiding Risk Factors: Minimizing factors that contribute to bone loss, such as smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and certain medications, can help maintain healthy osteoclast function.

By understanding the role of osteoclasts in bone health and adopting lifestyle habits that support bone remodeling, individuals can help maintain strong and healthy bones.