Database Name Frequencies
ETDF Laryngitis 11950 197500 240 30 305610 432410 50000 52710 600 800
ETDF Lassa Fever 110470 240 30 321820 4570 491310 57500 681280 721660 839340
ETDF Leptospirosis 10570 132810 240 313750 37290 437500 520500 631940 70 771000
ETDF Lung Abscess 203500 240 2500 39980 40 600 741670 830 835620 917810
ETDF Lung Diseases Interstitial 117520 240 35620 402060 50 600 675620 7500 823010 970
ETDF Lymphadenitis 120 215700 240 25540 35670 533690 7500 87500 930 93500
ETDF Mastocytosis 112050 12500 240 241210 361280 57500 596500 70 780 888200
ETDF Mitral Stenosis 135000 235510 240 340040 40 405620 592520 62230 654320 779500
KHZ Mitral Valve Prolapse 10 132850 235510 240 321510 405620 49710 592520 654320 779500
ETDF Mongolism 131200 18110 2080 218310 240 26010 320 410 41500 62210
ETDF Movement Disorder 172500 20 240 2500 25780 296500 475580 576290 772200 950
KHZ Mucocutaneous Lymph Node Syndrome 10 178500 240 2750 326500 571520 5870 705870 827230 950
CAFL Multiple Sclerosis 4 10000 120 20 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 240 2720 300 3040 328 470 5000 728 880
KHZ Munchausen Syndrome 10 182510 219290 240 412110 4850 505290 750 881000 905090
CAFL Muscle Tonic 10000 120 20 240 300 304 328 5000 728 880
CAFL Muscles to Relax 120 20 240 304 6.8 6000 760 965
CAFL Muscular Pain and Injury 0.5 1 1.2 1.5 10 125 160 2.5 20 240 250 2720 320 40 5.8 6000 80
ETDF Nelson Syndrome 233560 240 2780 30 475870 527000 667000 752700 78850 990620
ETDF Nephrosis 130 213520 240 335580 413980 635000 750 795220 826320 900
ETDF Nephrotic Syndrome 112330 130 217500 2250 240 335560 595870 780 813500 930