Database Name Frequencies
XTRA Insomnia 3 304 306.5 6000
XTRA Lupus Erythematosus 2 1552 205 2128 2180 304 481 664 678 771 784 7865 842 847 921
CAFL Lupus SLE Secondary 1552 2008 2128 2180 304 386 481 664 678 784 880
PROV Lymphs and Detox 10 10.36 10000 146 148 15.05 15.2 2.5 304 3175 3176 3177 440 444 465 522 6.3 625 635 676 7.83 727 751 787 880
XTRA Manic Depression 263.1 304 6000 6130 802
XTRA Minerals - Potassium 304
XTRA Morgellons Disease 1 10000 120 1234 1488 1550 160 1600 1862 20 2016 2180 2489 2720 2791 2855 2867 2929 30 304 3176 330 3347 3448 4014 4264 4271.25 432 464 500 5000 5611 5856.38 5858.25 625 665 727 728 7344 740 787 8 835 880 920
XTRA Morgellons Disease 2 10000 120 1234 1488 1550 160 1600 1862 20 2016 2180 2489 2720 2791 2855 2867 2929 30 304 3176 330 3347 3448 4014 4264 4271.25 432 464 500 5000 538 5611 5856.38 5858.25 625 665 727.5 7344 740 787 8 800 880 920
CAFL Mouth Eruptions Herpes Sores 1488 1489 1550 1577 1900 2720 2950 304 464
CAFL Multiple Sclerosis 6 10000 120 1488 166 20 2008 224 2358 242 2467 2489 304 3040 3057 3176 464 5000 6000 665 728 787 800 880
CAFL Muscle Tonic 10000 120 20 240 300 304 328 5000 728 880
XTRA Muscles Stiff 304
CAFL Muscles to Relax 120 20 240 304 6.8 6000 760 965
CAFL Pain Relief 3000 304 6000 666 80
CAFL Psoriasis 100 104 112 152 1552 2008 2128 2170 2180 2489 2720 304 60 64 664 728 786 800 880 96
CAFL Pyrogenium Fish 287 304
CAFL Sedation and Pain Relief 304 6000
XTRA Shingles 1500 1552 1557 1600 1800 1865 1900 20 2126 2170 2347 2489 2950 304 3343 345 464 47 574 665 668 716 727 738 787 802 880 914
CAFL Sinusitis 3 1234 128 225 2600 304 414 427 432 456 5500 60 610 614 618 95
CAFL Stiff Muscles 125 160 1800 20 240 300 304 320 328 40 6000 728 776 80