Database Name Frequencies
CAFL Dental General 1036 1043 1094 465 48 60 635 640 685 728 784
CAFL Dental Infection 1 1036 1043 1094 1500 1550 1600 1800 190 2489 2720 3000 465 47.5 48 5170 60 600 635 640 646 650 666 685 727 776 787 802 832 880 95
ETDF Depression Bipolar 175270 2250 2500 269710 350000 370 40 70000 870 95270
ETDF Dermoid Cyst 1520 405500 490 50 532500 637500 721620 852090 85250 9850
CAFL Detox 1 Toxins in the Intestines 10 125 1250 1500 165 1865 2.4 2.68 20 200 333 40 428 444 465 5.8 522 555 6.3 60 600 625 650 666 690 72 727 787 802 832 880 95
CAFL Detox 2 Parasites in the Intestines 1000 125 15 160 200 2000 2127 230 26 35 410 440 465 48 588 60 760 776 9.6 95
PROV Detox 3 Toxins in the Kidneys and Liver 126 14 1500 1550 160 1865 2.4 20 200 2000 240 35 440 444 465 522 6.3 60 600 625 666 690 7.8 72 727 787 802 832 880 9.2 95
CAFL Detox 4 Toxins Throughout the Body 125 1250 1500 1550 165 1850 2.4 20 200 2127 26 35 444 465 5.8 522 588 6.3 60 600 625 650 666 685 690 7.8 72 727 760 776 787 802 832 880
CAFL Diabetes 2 125 1550 1850 1865 2128 302 4200 444 465 48 72 787 95
XTRA Diabetic Foot Infection 125 1865 2000 304 444 465 48 72 787 802 95
ETDF Diaphragmatic Hernia 10890 145220 2250 260 267500 40 425910 657770 680 825220
ETDF Diffuse Myofascial Pain Syndrome 118000 215430 362510 40 422060 490 608410 7500 751200 780
ETDF DiGeorge Syndrome 192200 2500 30000 370 40 475310 67520 675690 819340 830
XTRA Disc Slipped 125 146 20 26 333 523 555 57 660 690 72 727.5 768 786 787 880 95
CAFL Dizziness 4 5.8 60
XTRA Dizziness 1 1550 316 40 522 58 60 645 652 683 688 72 720 727 766 784 786 787 802 880 92
ETDF Duane Retraction Syndrome 194710 207500 330000 40 44300 537500 605830 754030 825310 9460
XTRA Dystonia Vegetative 120 20 240 40
CAFL Edema 2 10000 146 148 20 40 440 444 465 5000 522 6.3 727 787 880
ETDF Embolism Cholesterol 12340 158300 2530 257020 410000 50 53020 570 78300 920