Database | Name | Frequencies |
XTRA | Cirrhosis of the Liver | 1250 170 2271 381 514 677 715 774 776 |
CAFL | Influenza Vesic NW | 238 239 332 364 519 588 590 715 |
CAFL | Influenza Virus 1992/1993 Secondary | 272 534 566 632 640 668 674 713 715 742 773 776 777 782 947 |
XTRA | Leukoencephalitis 2 | 1035 1079 1111 1160 1244 1333 1630 266 2720 324 338 47 572 712 713 715 776 783 832 934 |
CAFL | Leukoencephalitis Secondary | 1035 1160 1244 1630 338 712 713 715 783 932 |
CAFL | Sporotrichum Pruinosum | 584 598 687 715 755 |