Database Name Frequencies
CAFL Backache 2 0.5 3 432 465 7.6 7.7 727 728 776 784 787 9.3 9.4 9.6
CAFL Backache and Spasms 1 10000 120 1550 2112 212 240 424 465 5000 528 727 760 787 880
XTRA Bacteria General 1550 20 465 660 664 690 727.5 784 787 800 802 832 866 880
CAFL Bacterial Infections 1550 20 465 664 690 727 784 787 800 832 866 880
XTRA Barrett's Esophagus 1 10000 146 20 2127.5 676 727 776 787 802 880
CAFL Bed Wetting 112 120 1550 20 465 7.83 727 787 802 880
CAFL Bedsores 1.2 1550 20 465 727 73 787 802 880
XTRA Bedsores 1 1.1 1.19 1550 20 250 465 660 690 727.5 73 784 787 802 880
CAFL Bell's Palsy 110 125 1250 194 2.4 20 222 27.57 3 3.9 304 33 35 393.5 40 464 47.5 565.5 57.5 600 625 650 7.83 72 727 776 787 833 880 90.88 932.5
XTRA Bell's Palsy 1 110 125 1250 194 2.39 20 222 27.57 3 3.89 304 33 35 393.5 40 464 47.5 565.5 57.5 600 625 650 7.83 72 727 776 787 833 880 90.97 932.5
XTRA Bell's Palsy 2 110 125 1250 194 2.39 20 220 222 27.5 3 3.89 304 33 35 3930.5 40 410 464 470.5 5650.5 570.5 600 625 650 660 690 7.83 72 727.5 776 787 833 880 90.87 9320.5
XTRA Bell's Palsy 3 110 125 1250 194 2.39 20 222 27.57 3 3.89 304 33 35 393.5 40 464 47.5 565.5 57.5 600 625 650 7.83 72 727 776 787 833 880 90.87 932.5
CAFL Biliousness 10000 1550 465 727 787 802 832 880
XTRA Biliousness 1 10000 1550 21.33 465 660 690 727.5 787 802 832 880
XTRA Biliousness 2 10000 1550 465 5000 727 787 802 832 880
XTRA Bladder 352 727 787 800 880
CAFL Bladder and Prostate Complaints 1550 20 465 727 787 802 880 9.39
XTRA Bladder and Prostate Complaints 1550 20 2050 465 727 787 802 880 9.39
XTRA Bladder Infection 1.1 1.2 10 10000 125 1500 1550 1600 1800 1865 20 2045 2127.5 2170 2250 246 250 2720 360 40 444 465 498 530 600 625 630 642 650 660 690 72 724 726 727.5 73 771 776 787 802 832 880 9.39 9.4 95
XTRA Blister 10000 465 660 690 727.5 787 880