

Generic term meaning small virus. Includes Echo, Coxsackie, and Polio.Encyclopedia Entry for Enterovirus :Enterovirus D68. Infants and children are most at risk for EV-D68. This is because most adults are already immune to the virus because of past exposure. Adults may have mild symptoms or none at all. Children are more likely to have severe symptoms. Children with asthma are at higher risk for severe illness. They often have to go to the hospital.Symptoms can be mild or severe. Mild symptoms include: Fever Runny nose Sneezing Cough Body and muscle aches Severe symptoms include: Wheezing Difficulty Breathing.EV-D68 is spread through fluids in the respiratory track such as: Saliva Nasal fluids Phlegm The virus can be spread when: Someone sneezes or coughs. Someone touches something a sick person has touched and then touches his own eyes, nose, or mouth. Someone has close contact such as kissing, hugging, or shaking hands with someone who has the virus.EV-D68 can be diagnosed by testing fluid samples taken from the throat or nose. Samples must be sent to a special lab for testing. Tests often aren't done unless someone has severe illness with unknown cause.There is no specific treatment for EV-D68. In most cases, the illness will go away on its own. You can treat symptoms with over-the-counter medicines for pain and fever. DO NOT give aspirin to children under the age of 18. People with severe breathing problems may need to go to the hospital. They will receive treatment to help relieve symptoms.There is no vaccine to prevent EV-D68 infection. But you can take steps to prevent spreading the virus. Wash your hands often with soap. Teach your children to do the same. Do not put unwashed hands around your eyes, mouth, or nose. Do not share cups or eating utensils with someone who is sick. Avoid close contact such as shaking hands, kissing, and hugging people who are sick. Cover coughs and sneezes with your sleeve or a tissue. Clean touched surfaces such as toys or doorknobs often. Stay home when you are sick, and keep your children home if they are sick.Children with asthma are at increased risk for severe illness from EV-D68. The CDC makes the following recommendations to help keep your child safe: Be sure your child's asthma action plan is up to date and that you and your child both understand it. Make sure your child continues to take asthma medicines. Always be sure your child has reliever medicines. Make sure your child gets a flu shot. If asthma symptoms worsen, follow the steps in the asthma action plan. Call your health care provider right away if the symptoms do not go away. Be sure your child's teachers and caretakers know about your child's asthma and what to do to help.If you or your child with a cold has a hard time breathing, contact your provider right away or get emergency care. Also, contact your provider if your symptoms or your child's symptoms are getting worse.Non-polio enterovirus.Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website. Enterovirus D68. Updated October 20, 2017. Accessed October 26, 2017. Romero JR, Modlin JF. Coxsackieviruses, echoviruses, and numbered enteroviruses (EV-D68).Encyclopedia Entry for Enterovirus :Enterovirus. May be caused by Amyotrophic lateral sclerosisADHDAutoimmune diseasesCarcinoid tumorsChronic fatigue syndromeCrohn's diseaseDiabetes mellitus type 1Diabetes mellitus type 2Dilated cardiomyopathyGuillain Barr syndromeHypertensionMyocardial infarctionSchizophreniaCarcinoid tumors.Encyclopedia Entry for Enterovirus :Enterovirus infection. Source of disease: Enterovirus species