

Feline Immunodeficiency Virus - similar to HIV in humans.CatsEncyclopedia Entry for FIV :Five-day fever, Trench fever, Shinbone fever, Wolhynia fever, Quintana fever, His-Werner disease- Bartonella quintana (G- rod)Encyclopedia Entry for FIV :Fiveleaf Akebia Equivalent plant: Akebia trifoliata var australis , Akebia trifoliata.Latin name: Akebia quinata.Pinyin name: MU TONG.Properties: Cold,Bitter.Effect(s): To clear heat and disinhibit urine, quicken blood and free vessels.Plant part: stem.Meridians: Bladder,Small Intestine,Heart.Encyclopedia Entry for FIV :Fiveleaf Akebia Root Equivalent plant: Akebia trifoliata var australis, Akebia trifoliata.Latin name: Akebia quinata.Pinyin name: MU TONG GEN.Effect(s): To dispel wind and eliminate damp, move qi and quicken blood, disinhibit urine, resolve toxin.Plant part: root.Encyclopedia Entry for FIV :Fiveleaf Akebia Seed.Latin name: Akebia quinata.Pinyin name: YU ZHI ZI.Effect(s): To course liver and harmonize stomach, quicken blood and relieve pain, soften hardness and dissipate binds, disinhibit urine.Plant part: seed.Encyclopedia Entry for FIV :Fiveleaf Carpetweed.Latin name: Mollugo pentaphylla.Pinyin name: SU MI CAO.Effect(s): To clear heat and transform damp, resolve toxin and disperse swelling.Plant part: whole herb.Encyclopedia Entry for FIV :Fiveleaf Gynostemma.Latin name: Gynostemma pentaphyllum.Pinyin name: JIAO GU LAN.Effect(s): To clear heat, supplement vacuity, resolve toxin, lower blood sugar levels, protect hepatic function.Plant part: whole herb.